Powerful features

Explain your unique solution in short and how it solves a problem your customer has.

Name of feature

Expain the feature, but word it as benefits

“Save your favorites links” is a feature. “Never lose your favorite websites again” is a benefit. Users don’t care about your product, they only care about what’s in it for them.

Device Tablet Phone
Benefit Icon
Free migration

Short text to support claim

Benefit Icon
Usefull intergration

Short text to support claim

Benefit Icon
Awesome support

Short text to support claim

Benefit Icon
Full refund

Short text to support claim

Benefit Icon
Free migration

Short text to support claim

Benefit Icon
Usefull intergration

Short text to support claim

Benefit Icon
Awesome support

Short text to support claim

Benefit Icon
Full refund

Short text to support claim

Name of feature

Expain the feature, but word it as benefits

“Save your favorites links” is a feature. “Never lose your favorite websites again” is a benefit. Users don’t care about your product, they only care about what’s in it for them.

Device Tablet Phone
Benefit Icon
Free migration

Short text to support claim

Benefit Icon
Usefull intergration

Short text to support claim

Benefit Icon
Awesome support

Short text to support claim

Benefit Icon
Full refund

Short text to support claim

Benefit Icon
Free migration

Short text to support claim

Benefit Icon
Usefull intergration

Short text to support claim

Benefit Icon
Awesome support

Short text to support claim

Benefit Icon
Full refund

Short text to support claim

Name of feature

Expain the feature, but word it as benefits

“Save your favorites links” is a feature. “Never lose your favorite websites again” is a benefit. Users don’t care about your product, they only care about what’s in it for them.

Device Tablet Phone
Benefit Icon
Free migration

Short text to support claim

Benefit Icon
Usefull intergration

Short text to support claim

Benefit Icon
Awesome support

Short text to support claim

Benefit Icon
Full refund

Short text to support claim

Benefit Icon
Free migration

Short text to support claim

Benefit Icon
Usefull intergration

Short text to support claim

Benefit Icon
Awesome support

Short text to support claim

Benefit Icon
Full refund

Short text to support claim

Drawing Moonlanding

Ask if your visitor wants to solve problem X today

Explain how your solution will solve this problem and ask them to start a free trial, or any other low-key CTA they could take.

Reduce Risk: Free 14 day trial
“Powerfull and relevant testimonial of Customer X. This content should focus on the result the product had for this customer or answer a doubt your potential customer could have. "
Testimonial Avatar Customer Name, CEO of Company Name